EDF toolkit on inclusion of refugees and migrants with disabilities

Author: An-Sofie Leenknecht
Editors: Catherine Naughton, Marine Uldry, Marion Steff and Naomi Mabita
Design editor: André Felix

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This toolkit has been developed by the European Disability Forum with the input from its members and e-mail expert group on refugees with disabilities. We would like to thank in particular the National Confederation of Disabled People Greece (ESAEA), European Network of Independent Living (ENIL) and its Swedish member the Independent Living Institute Stockholm, the European Union of the Deaf (EUD), the Italian Disability Forum (FID), the Dutch Network for People with Disabilities or Chronic Illness Ieder-in, the European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD) and the partner organisations in the AMiD project, the International Disability Alliance (IDA), the Pacific Disability Forum (PDF), Nujeen Mustafa and the disability team at the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) for their contributions.

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Last updated: 2020-03-08 11:21:41
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