ICPS welcomes new ExCo members

At its Annual General Meeting on 22 January 2021, ICPS confirmed the election of two new members of its Executive Committee:

- Silvina Eckhardt, President, Fundación Obligado, Buenos Aires, Argentina

- Nonyelum Nweke, Executive Director, Cerebral Palsy Center, Lagos, Nigeria

The AGM also approved the nomination of Laurent Junier (Switzerland), outgoing Vice-Chair of ICPS, as a Life Member of the Society in recognition of his longstanding commitment as a clinician to supporting the leading role of persons with CP and their families.

At the first meeting of the newly constituted Executive Committee on 8 February 2021, Matthieu Chatelin (France), was elected Vice-Chair of ICPS. John Coughlan (Luxembourg)and Joaquim Alvarelhão (Portugal) were re-elected as Chair and Treasurer respectively.

The other members of the Executive Committee are Faik Benli (Turkey), Eleni Roditi (Greece), Fadia Safi (Lebanon) and Mahshid Salehi (UAE).

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Last updated: 2021-02-14 14:23:50
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