Stockholm 2016

Date : 01 Jun 2016 - 05 Jun 2016
Venue : Stockholm

ICPS organised a mini-symposium within the programme to honour Bengt and Gudrun Hagberg, both of whom died recently. ICPS felt that their deaths presented an opportunity to pay tribute to the enormous contribution they both made to our knowledge and understanding of the world of disability, in particular Cerebral Palsy and Rett Syndrome. Parents and professionals alike were touched by their knowledge, humbleness and enthusiasm and it seemed fitting that this Homage should take place in Sweden.

The International Cerebral Palsy Society therefore invited four speakers to come and talk about the work they shared with Bengt and Gudrun Hagberg.

We were delighted that three of their five children, Kirsten, Gudrun and Barbro were able to join us for a very memorable afternoon.

Three of the four papers given can be found below. We hope to be able to include the fourth as soon as possible.

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Last updated: 2019-10-02 16:48:51
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